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All approvals are subject to additional conditions you must provide or meet to the satisfaction of the underwriter. You agree to provide the information we request in "good faith" and all information given to us are done honestly; without a deliberate intention to defraud the other party. The conditional approval will stand unless you fail to meet the stipulations the lender lays out. Our team will not be able to appropriately process your file if you fail to meet any of the conditions set forth. You may also face a denial if the lender is unable to verify any further data you've provided such as; employment, financials or do not meet their credit criteria. If you delay in providing the documentation or other requested info, changes in your income or credit history that have occurred in the meantime will be taken into account.


We understand how multiple credit inquiries can impact your credit and we (Truckers Post) will not pull your credit during the beginning stages of the transaction; instead, we ask that you provide your own credit report to determine if you qualify for the program you're applying for. We will need your FICO score along with the entire credit history from all 3 credit bureaus (if possible) and you can obtain a credit report FREE of charge through CreditKarma.



Many times the credit strength of an applicant can be enhanced with a spousal, parental or blood relative guaranty. We evaluate this potential additional guarantor on a case-by-case basis. Discharged bankruptcy over two years will be considered in instances when any guarantor has a firmly re-established credit history demonstrating depth and timeliness of payments. For applicants with less than 2 years since the bankruptcy.


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